Our Mission Fields

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It is a brand new day. A fresh new start. A gift, a most precious gift has been placed into your hands today. Time.

This morning as you rise, you have been gifted with a valuable treasure that has no pricetag. You cannot buy time. You cannot create time. You cannot stop or speed up time. We have been given this precious gift as an open invitation to spend every breath well. Every breath a new treasure. A new blessing to breathe in life giving air each moment. A gentle reminder that we are alive and here with our feet on earth. As long as we have breath, we have purpose.

As long as we have been gifted a new sunrise, the Lord has something for us today. You can rise up with the assurance that your feet are stepping out of bed and into a day that the Lord has made. He has chosen you to carry out the plans of heaven. He has holy assignments set apart just for you today. People assigned to speak with you. People who need the hope you carry inside of you. People who need a kind word, a listening ear, and an earnest prayer. Everywhere your feet tread this morning and all throughout the day can become the mission field.

What would happen if we put our feet to the ground each new dawn and said, “Good Morning Lord, Thank you for the rest throughout the night. I am entering the mission field now. I will do the work of the Father all day long just as You served the Father while you were on earth.” What if we started every day like that? Every day trusting that we are on assignment to serve God’s people as if we were away on a mission trip. Yet our mission field is our home, and we serve all of the people who live in it. Our mission field is our workplace, and we serve everyone who works there. Our mission field is the roads we drive on, and we serve all of our fellow drivers. Our mission field is our schools, and we serve every student who attends. Our mission field is the grocery store, the gas station, the doctor’s office, and we serve everyone we encounter.

Jesus served everyone. He was here to show the Father’s Heart to the people, and He showed it by serving them in love. He radically, wildly loved and served. He gave His time, His attention, His resources, His love, and His earthly life all to the people. He is our model of how we are to live. It’s a sacrificial life. Our life is not our own just for our own consumption, but our life is a beautiful chance to use everything we have to serve God’s people. And the people we are to serve are everyone that we encounter. Those are our assignments. Our family, our friends, our coworkers, and every person who we encounter in our day to day lives. Everyone that we speak with each day can be touched by the love of Jesus that you carry inside of you.

This is our calling. This is why we live and breathe, so that we can carry the love of the Lord and pour it out radically and boldly onto a hurting world. We are the salve the people need. Just one word of loving encouragement can change the course of someone’s day. Just one kind and loving act can move someone’s heart and make them feel loved. Everywhere we go today, we can carry the love of Jesus, and let it flow out of us and onto others. Slow down today and ask God to give you eyes to see His people: to really see and hear and understand the needs of the people around you. And then boldly be ready to just encourage and love on the people He has cross your path. Be ready to listen and love in a fresh new way today. Be open to slowing down and walking a step slower than usual. Be open to looking the cashier in the eye and asking genuinely how they are today. Be open to looking at the world through new lenses. Lenses that see people, really see people. Let our lives be filled to overflowing with His love, and let it pour out and overflow onto every single encounter with people that we have today.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Pour it out Lord. Pour Your love out into us so that we can let it overflow onto every person we speak to. Let every person we encounter today feel Your love Jesus.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

2 thoughts on “Our Mission Fields

  1. What an awesome word VanessaLynn and a great reminder that time is indeed a beautiful gift. What we do with this time is so very important. Life is a school where we are to learn to become like Jesus, growing into spiritual maturity and intimacy with Him. Each lesson is encapsulated in time and we must learn to use it wisely.

    I love how you said, “It’s a sacrificial life.” How very true. I wrote about this is my own blog post this morning, Sacrificial Love. What a wonderful confirmation from the Father.

    Bless you sister.
    Homer Les
    Uncompromising Faith

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