Battling with Full Arms is Impossible

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh new start! And As you rise today, the Lord has you tightly and lovingly in His care. He is for you. He knows your every need this morning. He has plans to change the course of the fiery arrows before they can ever harm you.

He knows your struggle. He sees the pain no one else can. He knows the intimate fears and the racing thoughts. He has an escape route, a redemption story already marked for you.

Lean into Him and call on Him. Let Him IN. You don’t have to figure it all out alone anymore. You were never designed to carry it all. You were never designed to carry such heavy burdens. You are a woman or man of great strength, equipped to accomplish hard things, but never to CARRY hard things.

These two are not the same. Christ followers are called to a supernatural life that stretches beyond human understanding. We have access to power beyond our own strength. We speak the language of the heavens, and there are entire armies waiting for us to speak the orders for them to move and begin to work in the earth.

We have authority given to us by Christ Jesus. Authority to speak to evil and watch it flee. Authority to break chains and open eyes and ears. Authority to walk and talk with the backing of the King of the Whole world. We are equipped to accomplish very hard things because of the power we have in Christ.

Accomplishing hard things and carrying hard things is not the same. We are called to set the heavy burdens down so that we can go into battle with equipped and ready hands to fight against the darkness and gain victory for the kingdom.

It’s hard to fight a battle if your arms are overloaded. Instead Jesus calls us to lay all of that down and let Him carry it. He calls us to put all the day to day worries down, the fears, the what ifs, the trying to figure it all out, all of that can be handed over so that we can get onto the work that He has called us to.

We are designed to live a life where we access the power of heaven by learning how to use our spiritual weapons. We are not sitting ducks who just allow the storms of life to rush in and overtake us. We are fully equipped and empowered to stand on solid rock and battle against sickness, lies, fears, and to also battle for provision, health, sound and secure mind, and the salvation of souls.

Paul explains it in a letter to the Corinthians and I am attaching two different versions of the same verse:

The weapons you have are divine, supernatural, and extremely powerful! You can demolish strongholds! That’s the NIV.

The amplified version says that you can destroy FORTRESSES! Fortresses seem immovable. They are fortified, guarded, and in the natural earth, often impossible to destroy.

Yet your spoken prayers can destroy the struggles in your life or someone else’s that seem impossible to break through.

The impossible struggle that you’ve been battling. The fortress that you are up against that won’t budge.

Keep battling. Don’t give up, but have you tried laying down all of your other burdens on Jesus so you can fight the real battles that He is calling you to fight?

We CANNOT rush into battle against the dark or to take ground for the promised land with our arms full of heavy burdens.I think the enemy knows that, so he tries to load us up with worry, self doubts, and a million racing what ifs.

We HAVE to learn to put all of that down. It’s not ours to carry. And the psalm 68:19 says to give it over daily! That means it’s not a one time and you’re all done. Many times we give it to Jesus, feel great, and then rush back and pick it all up because we are so used to the burden that it feels funny to walk without it.

Friends, you have a serious calling on your life. You have people to encourage. You have prayers to pray that will unlock doors for yourself and others. Your spoken words aligned to God’s will have POWER and the whole backing of heaven.

I have written other posts about our spiritual weapons and how use them to walk in victory. But what I have realized is that if our arms are full with non battle related “stuff” then even the best weapons in the land will be hard to maneuver. And you already have the best weapons available to man. Divine, God given weapons. Prayer, Praise, Scripture. Now you have to empty your arms of the burdens you are carrying, so that you can properly handle your Heavenly weapons and walk in complete and total victory even over the fortresses that previously seemed impossible to break through.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to just lay this stuff down. Every worry that is not ours. Every concern about how it will all work out. Every what if and worst case scenario. Help us to just run into your arms and let all this stuff be carried by You. Then equip and prepare us to accomplish the assignments and win the battles that You have set before us today. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Want to read more about our spiritual weapons?

Our weapon of praise Click here

Our weapon of prayer Click here

Our weapon of scripture Click here

7 thoughts on “Battling with Full Arms is Impossible

  1. Yes, ma’am!. Profound!. It’s saddening at how much we try to pick back the burden we have dropped off, in order for Him to give us His rest instead. I find myself doing that and Matthew 11 has been one of the verses for my daily digest for some days now.
    We need our hands free!.

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