Dialogue with God through Scripture

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. A new day to rise and say, “I’m here Lord. I’m here, and I want to hear You.”

He has lots to say to us! Sometimes we can hear Him clearly and other times we may feel distant from Him.

When the Lord is quiet, He is still speaking. He has given us His Word that is alive and active. Stronger than a double edged sword. You can count that if you need a Word from God, you can find it in Scripture. Scripture is God breathed and because of its living nature, it can speak to you afresh. You may have read a verse a hundred times, but then in your hour of need, it means something new to you. God uses Scripture to speak life, love, encouragement, and correction into us.

He calls it our food. It can sustain us. Food is a necessary substance for anything living. By calling scripture the bread of life, God is letting us know that it is a necessary substance for life in the spirit.

And Scripture can be a way for God to answer you when you cry out to Him. When you find yourself facing anything here on this earth. A question, a fear, a need, an uncertainty, or a worry, you can cry out to God and let Him speak to you through His written Word..

Lord, I am afraid.

Lord, it is hard. My life is in chaos. I don’t know what to do next or where to turn.

Lord, I don’t know how I will pay the bills this month.

Lord, I don’t know how I will do what You’ve asked of me. I am lacking in so many ways. Maybe You should choose someone else..

Lord, I am worried and afraid of so many things.

Lord, everything has changed so quickly. When will it all return to the way it was? When will my life get back to normal?

Lord, this world is a mess. Things are upside down and inside out. Evil lurks everywhere, and bad news is on every station.

The Lord has SO much to say to us! His Scripture is His love letter to us. We are a chosen people. We are here on purpose for a purpose. We have been entrusted to carry forth the kingdom of God in the earth. And when we need help, God is right there to help. Call on Him, and He will speak to you.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your Precious Word. Thank You for speaking to use in so many ways. Help us to learn to hear Your voice in whatever way You are speaking.

In Jesus’s Precious Name, Amen.

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