Rising through the heaviness and The Lord’s Prayer

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh new start! A beautiful new day to rise and move.

Some days we rise well and all feels good in the earth.

Other days, we rise and there may not be any reason to name, but angst, heaviness, or other even dread can sit right on us making rising with joy hard.

I have found that on those days when its hard to pray, hard to move, hard to find the desire, we MUST pray harder. Those are the days when we open our eyes and pray,

Lord come. I need You today in ways that only You know. Come and touch the hurt, drive away the fear, lift the heaviness, and let this day glorify You to the fullest.”

And then we rise anyway. And I truly believe that rising each day, getting up, and showing up for our families, our work, our commitments is an act of extreme bravery and courage.

When you rise, you take a stand against the dark trying to keep you from your daily purpose. And everytime you wake to a tough day, but you move anyway, you’ve triumphed.

Today, I am sharing the Lord’s Prayer in 4 translations. Our prayers shift the atmosphere. Our prayers move pieces of our lives that seem immovable. Our prayers fill us with strength to keep moving, and to keep following through with God’s plans over our life. God assignments are not always easy, but because of God’s Grace, you will have everything you need to walk in victory.

When you stumble in prayer, Jesus taught a beautiful prayer that shifts us from the position of having to figure it all out over to allowing the Lord to come in and work on our behalf. It’s an invitation for God to work in all areas of our life. The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of recognizing He is Lord and then asking Him into each area to act as Lord.

When we ask, He faithfully answers. When we seek, He is easily found. When we knock, the door opens.

And when you are stuck for how to pray, just follow the model of Jesus. Who better to teach us than the Lord Himself!

I encourage you to read all four translations as reading the well known words of the King James or NIV are comforting and many could recite by heart, and then when you read it again in the Passion or the Message, it stirs a new excitement for the Word of God.

As you hear it translated, the meaning is the same, yet the new language can stir up a new understanding, a broader understanding, or a deeper meaning for you. So enjoy the Lord’s Prayer today in these four versions, and I pray that if you rose with any heaviness at all that it flees as you run to Jesus in Prayer!!!

King James Version


The Passion Translation

The Message

And just for fun I am sharing this….. one of my 5 year old twins told me this morning, “When I tried to wake up today, my two eyes just wouldn’t open!”

I hear ya buddy! Mine either.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Let us run to You with every burden..Thank You for teaching us how to pray. Let us not just recite the words, but let each work leave our mouth with sincerity and openness to allowing You to move in our lives. Let us truly trust You with our daily needs, our lives, our hurts, and our temptations. Let us be people who forgive easily and You forgive us, and people whose hearts are on fire for Your WILL over ours.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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