Bold Prayers that Move God’s Heart

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh new start. A new day to rise up and soak in the love of Jesus. He has so much for you today. He has promised to never ever leave you or forsake You and He Never ever breaks a promise.

Today as I rise, I am in awe of God. Just awestruck by Him. He has dazzled and amazed me with His goodness.

He has loved me at my darkest hour.

He has loved me at my proudest hour.

He has loved me when I was wallowing in the pit.

He has loved me when I was brave enough to take His arm and begin to crawl out.

He has loved me through my every doubt.

He has loved me through my childlike questions of, “Why God? How God? When God?”

He has loved the parts of me that I didn’t love.

He has loved me when I was hard to love.

He has loved me right into this beautiful relationship with Him that is alive and growing.

I can feel Him close today. I had an encounter with Holy Spirit yesterday in church, and I feel different today. Holy Spirit has reminded me again and again that He loves me. He has forgiven me. He has plans and promises and great destiny ahead for me.

Each encounter I have with the Holy Spirit whether it’s at home or at church is almost always preceded by me coming to Him with all that I have. It’s the moments when I move beyond my self, my own agenda, my own personal desires and I just get before Him and say, “Your way Lord. Your will Lord. Your plans Lord. I trust You with every fiber of my being. I trust You with all that I have and each place I’m going. Lord, take it all and do what You wish. Take me where You wish. Move me where You wish. Prune me as You wish. Here I am, Yours Lord. I give you my all.”

It doesn’t have to be those words, but it’s the posture of my heart. It’s the desperation for Him to have His full way in my life. Its my handing it ALL over to Him that moves His heart.

Gorgeous Friends,

The Lord has absolutely stunning gifts for you. He has gifts to impart into your spirit. He has wild healing for your soul. He has plans to deliver you from every hurt and replace it with fresh identity. Its ALL available in Him when we get to a place where we want HIM more than anything else in the whole world.

Friends, I can proclaim that I want Him more than anything else in the whole world. I want the Lord and everything He has for me. I desire Him and His ways over any thing the world could ever offer. What He has is authentic and real and it’s what our souls crave. Every other pleasure that the world gives doesn’t compare to time in His Presence.

I encourage you to sit with Him today. Get into a quiet space and just pour your heart out to Him. Tell Him every worry, every fear, every hindrance, every doubt, and question. And then bravely and boldly pray, “Your will in EVERY area Lord. Your ways, Your plans, Your desires, Your will to come and invade my life. Lord, come and be Lord over my home. Be Lord over family and my children and my parenting. Be Lord in my finances. Be Lord in my coming and going. Be Lord in my recreation and in my employment. Be the Lord over all in my life in the name of Jesus.”

These prayers used to frighten me. My heart would pound in my ears as I submitted to His ways over mine. I was fearful because I knew what I was asking. I knew the cost. I knew He would move at the boldness of my heart to literally submit everything I had over to Him.

What I can share is that He is gentle and loving and everything that He has done in my life was always better than my plans. His ways don’t always make sense in the moment or in the season, but I can look back at every place He has brought me and say, “His way was better.”

He is a good God and you can trust Him. Total submission is trust. And when you trust Him, things will shift and change. Your dependence on Him will free you to independence. Independence from the chasing of the things of this world that never fully satisfy anyway. Independence from the approval and pleasing of others. Independence from what others have said about you or to you.

You will be independent of this world and dependent on the kingdom.

That is a beautiful place to be. In Your submission to Your Creator, You are free to be who you were originally designed to be and to do what you were created to do!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Make us bold and brave enough to hand it all over to You again and again. Let us daily crucify our ways and walk in Your ways. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Vanessa Lynn

12 thoughts on “Bold Prayers that Move God’s Heart

    1. Seeking Him more and more. He has so much to reveal to us, and I am in awe of Him. Just awestruck by His mercy and goodness. I am blown away that He cares for me despite my every failure, yet He names me worthy and loved. Thank you Jennifer for the encouragement! I found your blog through Pastor Chuck Copps. Great to connect.. 🙂

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