Lord, love me.

Lord, please love me. You already have that.

Lord move me
Just take the first step and follow Me

Lord heal me
Ask and it shall be given

Lord draw me closer to You
Seek and you will find Me

Lord, pour wisdom into me
Empty yourself and you shall be filled

Lord, deliver me
It was done on the cross

Child, you already have every victory
Walk with me, talk with me, study me
You will receive all that has been set aside for you
You have a divine inheritance, you are just learning how to accept it, and use it
Seek me continually, have authentic relationship with me and mountains will be moved in on your favor and to the Fathers glory.

Thank You Lord that You would choose me to be a royal daughter. Thank You Lord for Your redemption, Your mercy, and Your grace. Lord, draw near to the person reading this post. Cover them with Your Spirit. I pray they feel rest. I pray that heavy burdens lighten and they begin to feel a renewed mind as they hand over their heavy burdens and accept Your heavenly peace. Lord, I pray that they feel lighter as the load is lightened and they feel clarity about their current circumstances. I pray for divine wisdom as You speak into them truth that replaces the lies. 

Lord, comfort and peace over them in Jesus’ name.


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