Leaving the Multitudes to hear from Heaven

Good Morning Gorgeous,
It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. A new day to rise and to walk in the ways of the Lord that He planned for you long ago.

There is a divine plan for your life and mine.
As you look around at the struggles in the earth, its easy to become frustrated, fearful, worried, and angry.
We are bombarded with information each day. We are inundated with input and data without much time to process. We get bad news report after bad news report.

We see things on social media that evoke feelings like disbelief, sadness, joy, frustration, anger, offense, division, etc.
And the information and matching feeling come quickly one after another as we scroll.

joy filled post, bam sad post.

happy post, bam scary post
hope filled post, bam really scary post

bam coronavirus numbers
bam political post…. and so on…
And so the onslaught continues, and each social media post that you read is little roller coaster of emotions, but sometimes the coaster doesn’t even get to finish the course before you are catapulted right from one to the next. Sometimes you are right in the middle of a joy coaster and you get ejected and sent right into a coaster filled with heartwrenching sadness.
In addition to the feeling that comes, each post speaks a voice into us. We are hearing multiple words, and messages, and voices as we scroll. Sometimes I feel like FB and Instagram can almost be loud like I sign off and I feel like I just left a really noisy assembly where everyone was talking and shouting at me at once.
And for most of us social media will continue to be a way that we connect and interact, so what can we do amidst a world that seems to be “falling apart” and with all of the voices trying to speak to us at once?
We learn to leave the voices of the physical world and learn to push past the noise, quiet the distractions, and get in communication with what heaven is saying and doing. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the veil separating man from communicating freely with the Lord has been torn. This allows us to boldly and with reverence, approach the Lord and speak with Him!

And because of Holy Spirit, who advocates for us, we can receive divine wisdom, heavy doses of power, and clear instruction directly from the Lord.
So instead of partnering with the lie that we sit powerless like the rest of the world, we can choose to enter battle against all the terrible things we see happening.

And we battle from our knees.On our knees, phone put aside, tv off, alone and by ourselves, we can shut off the noise and the multitudes of voices screaming in our ears. We can then hear straight from heaven. We can hear what the Lord says and partner with what He wants us to do.

Jesus did this often to hear from the Father. He modeled for us how to hear from heaven.

He is still active and speaking to His people in the earth. He still has a Heavenly agenda for the earth and we have an amazing opportunity and responsibility to partner with the Lord of the Universe and everything in it to accomplish His will.

Our prayers move mountains, turn tides, split seas, shift perspectives, and break chains.

I am sharing the message from Life Church on Sunday.

Our pastor preached about the importance of getting information from the Lord. He shared about our responsibility to take our place in the earth’s problems and to be the answer. He also challenged us to 21 days of prayer.

He invited us to partner with him to pray for three things daily.

To pray for churches all across the globe, to pray for leaders including political offices from local government all the way to the president, and to pray for the cessation of the coronavirus.

I invite you to listen to the message as well. It was so powerful and moving, and I know that you will be moved by it.


My next three blog posts will be a prayer for each of those things, one each day. I will pray what Holy Spirit puts on my heart and dig deeper in how we can pray for churches, leaders, and the pandemic.

Gorgeous Friends in Christ, please pray with me. Let’s hear what God has to say louder than every other voice.

Dear Heavenly Father, Strengthen us to get quiet before You. Teach us to turn off the sounds, to get away from the distractions for periods of time and get before Your throne. Give us ears to hear what You have to say, eyes to see what You are showing Your people, and bold spirit to speak what You want said in the earth. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

7 thoughts on “Leaving the Multitudes to hear from Heaven

  1. Amen. May we be sensitive to His words.
    Glad to know your church is engaging these prayers. It’s a blessing that we can all raise up in one voice to God. I believe He will calm this unrest and grant unto us His peace. 🙏

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