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Week 9: Memory Verses

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day! A fresh new start. A brand new day to rise and seek Jesus with all of your heart. A new day to pursue Him and fall even deeper in love with your Precious Savior!

As promised, I am sharing the memory verses. I am quite late in getting them out, but here they are.

This week’s theme is: Christ paid the penalty.

Friends, He did this willingly. He chose to lay His life down. No one took it. No one coerced Him. He chose to leave His seat on high in heaven. He chose to take on the constraints of flesh. He chose to walk among men. He chose to spend His time with the people in the culture who were considered the lowest. He sought out sinners and hurting people and called them up and out. He picked 12 disciples that looked nothing like the religious leaders of the day. He gave people new identities, new names, and new hope.

He came to redeem humanity in all of it’s wickedness and sin. And He even chose the hour when He would hand His life over. Many times, they planned to apprehend Him, but He would slip away or He would boldly preach right in the temple. Until, He had fulfilled what He came to do. And then, He gave His life willingly and in love to break the curse of death against us. It was the ultimate act of unconditional love because He did it for people who were still steeped in sin. He did it even for those mocking and hurling insults at Him. He did it for every person even while they were still sinners. That’s love. And that’s the God we serve.

Memory Verse 1:

And the memory tool:

Memory Verse 2:

And the memory tool:

You are on the Father’s Mind this morning. He is thinking of you and cheering for you. He has chosen you and called you. And because of Jesus and His sacrifice, He sees you separate from your sin. He sees you redeemed and set free to walk in Him. You can draw close to Him and He will also draw near to you. There is no separation between you and the Lord because Jesus has cleansed you and made you worthy.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for Your wild, audacious, hard to fathom love for us. Lord, help us to study and memorize Your precious Word. Give us strength to and capacity to memorize Your Holy scriptures so that they become part of who we are. Lord, embed Your Word into our spirits. Weave it into us so that we cannot be separated from Your Word.

In Jesus’s name, Amen..


Vanessa Lynn

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