Start a Bible Plan Today!

Good Morning Gorgeous!

It’s a brand new day. A fresh new start.

A new day to rise and start in the Word!

The Youversion Bible App is an awesome way to carry the Word everywhere and in so many versions and languages too!

You can start a plan and invite friends to read with you.

And the way the Bible plans divide the Bible up into manageable reading portions has been very helpful for me in reading through the Bible each year.

Sometimes, I will read in the app and others times I will just use the suggested reading from the plan, but still read in my physical Bible.

I picked several Bible Reading plans to share with you here!

Take a moment to browse through some of the choices and see how you can manage the Bible in portions.

May this be the year you fall deeper in love with the Lord through knowing His Word.

Whole Bible Plans:

Bible in One Year in order- This plan will take you through the whole Bible in one year from Genesis to Revelation.


This plan also goes through the whole Bible, but it re orders the reading into chronological order. The order that it happned in history.

As It Happened

This bible plan is a plan for the heavy reader or if you want to jump in and go through the Bible strong and fast!

Bible in 90 Days

And even faster! Here it is in 60 days!

Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Anderson

Partial Reading Plans

Perfect for those reading through the whole Bible for the first time.

Start with the New Testament and then go back and read the Old Testament.

New Testament Plans

The New Testament in 90 Days

BibleProject | New Testament In One Year

Old Testament Plans

OT90 (Old Testament in 90 Days)

BibleProject | Old Testament In a Year

And this is JUST a sampling of the plans available. I encourage you to pick a plan that is manageable for you that you will stick with each day. And if you miss a day, just pick it back up the next day!!

Just. Don’t. Stop!

Also, if you’ve already made reading through the Bible regularly part of your day. I encourage you to try a new version of the Bible. I switch up the version I read every 1 to 2 years.

This year I’m reading the KJV, and I’m so excited to dig into it!! I feel like God is going to show me some new things as I study these Words in King James Version.

I knew I was going to study KJV next so I asked for a KJV bible for Christmas. I write all over my bible pages, so my husband bought me ones with wide margins and lines for note-taking.

Disclaimer, the beginning of reading a new version feels uncomfortable. Push through the discomfort and let God speak to you! Sometimes we have read the same version so many times, we need to read the same verses with freshness of language! It shouldn’t change the meaning, but may open your eyes to a new revelations of the Word.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thanks You for making it easy to access Your Word! May we take it in and dine on it this year! May we read it, meditate on it, grow up and mature in the Word. Lord, get the Word in us and make it produce a crop! In Jesus’s Name, Amen.


And if you have a bible reading tip or you’re already in a bible plan, please share with is in the comments!!

2 thoughts on “Start a Bible Plan Today!

  1. Hello, thank you for this inspiring post! I am glad you are starting your day with the Word and using the Youversion Bible App to help you. That is a great way to stay connected to God and grow in your faith.

    I have also used the Youversion Bible App, and I love how it has so many options for reading plans, versions, languages, and more. It is very convenient and user-friendly.

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