In the Battlefield? Know Your Enemy

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. A new day to rise up and move from the sidelines and into what is rightfully yours in Christ Jesus. The Lord has designed you for prosperity and purpose. He has designed you to walk boldly and with a sound mind. He has designed you to advance the kingdom of God and to make headway with His people. He has designed you to be an instrument of change in your workplace, home, and marketplace. Each dealing or interaction you have throughout the day is an opportunity to walk and talk out the faith we profess. Each conversation can be fueled by the Love of God that flows from you. If you find anything else counter active to love in your conversations, even the really hard ones, there is another force at work. Even when we are up against hard situations, difficult conversations, challenging people, our words and our actions as believers in Jesus Christ should be like those of Jesus: spoken in love, yet still powerful.

And there will be times when you are up against a battle. Times when you stand at the edge of the battlefield. Times when you are right in the middle of a battle of epic proportion. There are times when the battles are smaller, yet still significant. And there are times when winning the battle is absolutely critical. Sometimes the battles are ones you never asked to participate in. Battles that catch you by surprise and you feel ill prepared and ill equipped because you never saw the enemy approach. Battles that are painful, unfair, and you never thought you’d find yourself in. And there are battles for your promised land. Sometimes God leads you directly to blessing, yet there are giants there in your land. They are bigger, stronger, and more numerous than you. Those battles need to be fought too.

At any given time most of us are in some type of battlefield fighting for one or more of the following:

Healing of our body

A peaceful mind

A relationship

Our children to be healed, receive breakthrough, or begin to walk with Jesus

A job issue to be resolved

Financial breakthrough


A miracle that is desperately needed

A promise from God to manifest

So as believers of the Jesus, how do we battle? What does Christian Warfare look like?

First, as in any war, one must be fully aware of the enemy they face. Knowledge is power, and scripture is very clear about what we are fighting against:

So then if the battles, even the ones we can see with our eyes like job loss, illness, struggles at work or school, are really visible products of a spiritual battle, we have spiritual weapons that are accessible to us.

We have access to an arsenal of weapons that are far more powerful than any force coming against us.

Remember, because of salvation grace, we are now co heirs with Christ which gives us access to a holy inheritance. Part of our holy inheritance is access to the King’s royal weapons. You are a child of the King of the whole universe! That title comes with access to the King and access to Royal Power.

As a child of the King, every heavenly weapon is yours. You must learn how to access and use each one at the proper time. You have to know the truth about what is available to you. You have to practice using your weapons regularly and often, so that when you are called to battle, you can reach into your arsenal effortlessly and without thought begin to use your Holy, Royal weapons. The battles may be hard, but over time picking up your weapon should become second nature.

When you first handle a weapon, they can be heavy or uncomfortable, and we feel clumsy as we learn how to properly hold it, how to posture our body, how to aim, how to care for it, how to take it out, and how to make it work successfully. That takes a ton of practice whether you are learning to use a knife, gun, bow and arrow, or the many other weapons out there. Each one needs a great deal of practice before a user can effectively battle with it. My son took archery for a year, and when I watch him with his bow and arrows, it looks so easy. Then, he tried to teach me….. I could barely pull it back and release it. I didn’t have enough practice.

Friends, you are warriors! Royal warriors who have access to a variety of Holy Weapons that work! The struggle we face is becoming comfortable enough to use them. And, that will only happen the more you use them.

Today’s affirmation:

I am a child of the Living God who is King of the Whole Universe, and I have full access to holy weapons that win mighty battles.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please ignite hope again in the hearts of your people. Show us that we are powerful forces in the earth destined to win the battles that are all up in our face today! Give us hope and strengthen us to pick up our weapons.

Next Blog Post: Weapon #1


Vanessa Lynn

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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