Jesus gave us the KEYS!

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. A new day to rise up and put our feet to the ground. A new day to get up and make a difference in the earth. A new day to declare God’s goodness. A new day to keep standing firm for your prayers to be answered, your miracle to unfold, your breakthrough to come, your healing to manifest, your clarity to come, and His peace to invade your heart.

Jesus made a bold declaration in the earth about the authority He was giving to us. He said:

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Matthew 16:19

Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Keys that access power. The most powerful divine weapons available: heavens power!

And who do you generally give keys to? We give keys to people who we trust and who are being granted access not available to everyone. Jesus entrusted the keys to the powers of the kingdom to His disciples. First to Peter and then He repeated it again to His disciples. This power is His promise to believers.

And when we repeat ourselves, we are usually trying to emphasize that we mean business. Jesus meant what He said. He wanted us to catch ahold of a truth here. We have the keys of heaven and the power we need for our walk here on earth!

After He gives us the keys, He continues on to say that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

And we loose and bind things with our tongue! With our words, our declarations, our praises, and our prayers. Our spoken words can change the atmosphere.

They can shift the tide.

They can change our perspective.

They can pull down strongholds holding us back from moving ahead.

They can break chains holding us captive.

Our words can soften and heal.

They can send away the enemy when He comes against you.

They can help shift perspectives.

Your words are soaking in power.

Your words have intense power to make the shift you’ve been praying about happen.

Jesus spoke and powerful miracles happened. Blind eyes were opened. Deaf men could hear. People were set free from oppressive spirits. People came back to life. His words spoken in authority given to Him by the Father made things shift in the earth.

You have been given the same authority as Jesus. Jesus gave to us the keys of the kingdom and access to Heavenly power by the words that we speak. Jesus even declared your power when He said:

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

John 14:12

Every word that leaves your mouth has power. You can hurt or heal with your words. And there are some things that need to be put to death with our words, and other things that need to be brought to life with our words. You have the right and the authority to speak up and say:

I am rising up today to a fresh new day. I am a powerful force of love in the earth. Jesus resides on the inside of me, and what I say changes the world. My words have power and strength. They are one of my most powerful weapons. The Lord spoke the world right into existance. He used His words to send the enemy packing, to calm seas, and to heal people. He empowered believers to carry that same power. So today I will speak love and life with my tongue.

I have a clear mind, and confusion must flee.

I am prepared and equipped for today.

I am empowered by Jesus Christ, and when I speak mountains crumble.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Show us the power You have entrusted to us. Show us Lord what You want us to see, hear, and do. In Jesus’s name, Amen


Vanessa Lynn

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