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Speak Truth despite Your Feelings

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. A new day to triumph with Jesus. And our triumph is NOT dependent on how we feel. Our triumph is found in our pressing on despite all that comes against us, including our feelings.

Feelings are not bad, yet can be very misleading. They can trick us into believing things that are untrue or things that are perversions of the truth. Some lies we believe can keep us from moving forward with Christ. Some can keep us enslaved to a continual pattern of destruction. And some lies keep us standing in bondage even after the chains have been broken. We don’t feel free, so we don’t walk free.

This morning as I rise to this beautiful new day, there is pressure sitting on my chest. It’s just hanging out there and refusing to budge even though I’ve prayed and rested well. Even though I know that I serve an amazing Lord who is paving the way before I even step out of bed, I still feel anxious.

This morning, I don’t feel redeemed and set free, YET I AM.

I don’t feel like more than a conqueror in Christ, YET I AM.

I don’t feel like I can possibly accomplish all that this day demands, YET I know I WILL.

I don’t feel like I am enough or doing enough, YET I AM.

And a big one that hits me hard sometimes, I don’t feel worthy of the call He has placed on my life, YET God Says that I AM because of HIM.

So….. our feelings are distracting sometimes. They don’t always align to the truth. They make us feel counter to what God says about us. That’s why it’s important to cling to the truth of God’s word and to return time and time again to the truth. To speak it aloud so that we can walk in truth even when we don’t feel it. Our spoken truth creates space for us to walk boldly when our feelings try to paralyze us in fear. Our spoken truths create places for us to move ahead into what God has called us to. Speak truth until your feelings align. So this morning I know what to do. I will rise, put my feet to the floor, thank Jesus wholeheartedly for a brand new chance to serve Him today. I will rise grateful for the sunrise. I will speak the truth out loud:

I am a redeemed daughter of the King of Kings.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper because my Lord goes ahead of me.

I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.

I am chosen, anointed, and set apart by God for God.

I can so everything that I am called to do because Christ resides inside of me.

I am worthy because God Himself made me worthy.

I am the design and craftsmanship of the Lord. He made my every feature, and He knows my name, and every hair on my head is counted by God.

I will walk boldly today living for Christ who died for me so that I may live fully empowered by the Holy Spirit here on earth.

Because of the Lord, I am empowered to speak and the atmosphere around me shifts. Chains break, strongholds are broken, healing manifests, and freedom reigns.

Anxiety has no hold on me, and I will move with boldness today knowing that all of heaven has my back at every turn.

Dear Heavenly Father, Your goodness amazes me each day. You are a good, good Father who is intentional and kind and lovingly working all things out for the good of those who love You. You have given us mighty assignments to bring heaven to earth and align ourselves to heaven’s agenda. Let it be so today. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Today, I will choose to speak truth into the darkness, and watch as Your light chases away the dark.


Vanessa Lynn

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