God Keeps His Promises

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. A new dawn!

You can rise up and into the arms of a loving Father. He is here, and He will keep on being here.

He is a solid rock on which you can stand.

He is faithful to thousands of generations.
He is working all things out for the good of those who love Him.

He is a promise keeper, and a faithful Lord who lavishes love on His people.

I am reading Genesis, and I am nearing the end. God spoke a clear promise to Abraham early in Genesis. He repeats the promise to Abraham’s son Isaac. He repeats the promise to Isaac’s son Jacob, and then Jacob’s son Joseph holds onto the promise.

This is the last time God repeated it to Jacob:
God has been promising for 3 generations that He will make a great nation out of Abraham’s descendants. Then He didn’t directly speak it to Joseph (the 4th generation), instead Joseph’s father Jacob tells him the promise from God.
Joseph didn’t directly hear this promise from God. Yet, he carries the promise inside of him from the words of his father. So when Joseph died, he reminded his sons of the promise spoken to his father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Joseph believed God completely and wholeheartedly even though as he was breathing his last breath, he had not seen God move on the promise.

Here is what Joseph says to his whole family when he dies.
Even though, God hasn’t fulfilled that promise yet, Joseph fully believes He will. How? Why?

He believes God because of a lifetime of experiencing God in his life. Joseph’s life was far from easy. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. He was wrongfully accused and placed in prison. Yet, God time and time again provided for him in every single dark place. God turned all that was meant to harm him around for good. God even used this tragedy to move the entire family and line of Abraham to Egypt which is important for the next part of God’s plan.

So, even though Joseph hasn’t seen God move on THIS promise, he has a close relationship with Him and trusts His character. He trusts God’s words to be true. He knows that if God said it, He will do it.

He did not die bitter and angry at God for not yet fulfilling His promise. He dies STILL proclaiming the promise to his whole family now called the Israelites, so they can cling to the Holy Words of God.

It will be a long time still before we see this promise fulfilled, but God does it! He keeps every Word!

And He will keep every word in your life too. He is a promise maker and a promise keeper. He will fulfill every promise to you. Many of them in your lifetime, and some for your future generations. Instead of clinging to the unfulfilled promises of God as a sign that He isn’t at work, cling to EVERYTHING He has fulfilled and trust that the parts left unfulfilled ARE going to come to pass. It may be soon, it may be later. But you can stand on the solid rock of God’s Word, and trust that He is working it all out according to a higher plan than you can see from your perspective. He is planning things out for your children, your siblings, your grandchildren, your whole family is in God’s heart as He moves or waits to move.

You can trust Him and lean into Him. Regardless of whether or not He is moving now, He is still available and accessible for you to come and enter into His peace, His strengthening, and His wisdom, and lavish portions of His love. There is provision even as you wait on God.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Help us to be a people who learn to grow in faith even as we wait for Your Movement. Help us to learn to draw so close to You that we can feel Your Presence and hear Your Voice. Lord, help us to cling to Your promises as true and on time. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Vanessa Lynn