You are here, amidst the terror of the day, on Holy Assignment.

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh new start. A new sunrise is gifted to us each morning. A new day to rise and walk toward the bold and brave places that you are being called.

There isn’t a single place that the Lord will call you to that His equipping grace won’t also be available in full supply.

Everywhere He calls, He supplies.

And no matter how long you have been walking with Him, He has more assignments for you and deeper grace to match the need for each assignment.

In this day, in this hour, we cannot afford to be frozen in place.

We are called to move ahead, straight into the terror of the day. We go in with the answers that the world is so desperately seeking.

If you see a problem in the earth, there is a Holy Spirit solution available.

Boldness and courage to move ahead and carry the light of Jesus straight into the dark spaces is what’s needed.

And boldness and courage to carry the gospel in love comes from Holy Spirit. He can fill you with heavy doses so that there is no double mindedness in you. He can teach us to be so bold that with the same fervor for God that we worship on Sunday morning, we show up with at work on Monday. We bring the same fervor into our neighborhood and into our recreation. So that everywhere we go, our words and our actions align to the authoritative Word of God.

He has an assignment for you individually. He has an assignment for your bible study group, for your relationships, and for your church body. He sets people together to carry out kingdom purposes.

We are called to be a people moving and loving like Jesus.

Friends, our feet are on planet earth on holy assignment. If you are unsure what that looks like, tell Him. He is faithful to direct your paths and to guide your faith walk. He is both the author and the finisher of your faith. He will not leave you to figure it all out alone. He will show you where He desires your feet to go. Run to Him and just ask.

What’s next?

Where am I supposed to step?

What am I not doing now that I should be doing?

Where am I afraid to step, but You are calling me forward?

How can I serve You?

How can I partner with Your plans for my life?

In what areas of my life is fear holding me back from Your plans?

Where am I trying to maintain control and missing out on destiny?

How can I move ahead to the places You’ve set for me?

Ask Him these hard questions. He will lovingly show you the way.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Show us the way Lord. Make us bold and brave and courageous so that we can move ahead into the places You have prepared for us long ago.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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