Invite Him Fully in…

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh new start. A new day to open up to Jesus and allow Him to enter the spaces you’ve kept hidden away.

He is a gentle, loving Lord who will never hurt you or use shame or guilt or condemnation.

He paid the total cost at the cross, so that you could walk free, healed, and whole.

Ask Him to come and search your heart today for any hidden space you’ve kept from Him.

He has the healing salve for every hurt, and the answer for every struggle.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Empower us to be brave enough to fully open the doors of our hearts to let You in to every secret space. Give us courage to be vulnerable and trust You fully with every secret thing. You already know us completely and fully. But there’s healing in us inviting You to search our hearts and heal them. Lord, shine Your light into every dark crevice and space. Come in and mold and shape us. Come in and uncover the shadows and painful hidden corners, and heal anything that we have kept from allowing Your full restoration to touch.

In Jesus’s name, Amen..


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