A love that never fails?

Good Morning Gorgeous,

It’s a brand new day. A fresh start. New Month too, November is here! God is a God of new beginnings. Sunrises, new weeks, new months, new years, new life. All of creation is set up in a way that it is constantly renewing. Think about life cycles and seasonal patterns and the renewing of our water supply through fresh rain. His regenerative and renewing plans are seen all around us. New beginnings each morning give us continual opportunities to reflect on yesterday and grow today. Throughout all of these new beginnings and renewing in the earth, there is a constant supply of His love. That doesn’t weaken, doesn’t have drought seasons and then seasons of abundance. There isn’t a chilly winter, and then a warm summer of God’s love. The circumstances around you may change. You may experience seasons of hardship and seasons of abundance. Good, fruitful days, and barren, dark days. Through it all, You have the Love of the Father and a safe shelter you can run to and seek refuge.

I found a new pattern emerge in verses related to His love. There are many verses that also refer to His love as unfailing. I know this is very similar to forever, but I think the word is slightly different. You will have God’s enduring love forever, but that love will also never fail you. Meaning you can count on it. It will always be right there. You can flee to it for safety. You can depend on it. His love can be counted on at all times. He will meet you on your mountaintop moments, and He will meet you in the darkest of valleys. He will never ever leave you, nor forsake you. You are his beloved child, and He wants to pour His love into you. He will not fail you. While we may not understand everything here on earth. There will be times when you may feel like He has left you. But those feelings are not grounded on truth. In the dark valleys, we often feel alone. We feel defeated and forsaken. Yet, God is still there and what I have experienced is that in those deepest moments of despair, God’s great love is more evident than ever. He has met me in those places and administered a comfort that could only be from Him. And though my questions may not all be answered, usually as time passes and the valley is behind me, I can see clearly why it happened or why I had to walk through the valley in the first place. God uses everything for our good, even the worst of tragedies. I don’t believe He causes the valleys of life, but He uses every opportunity to meet us and pour out His unfailing love.

Gorgeous Girl, You are so loved by God. And that love is unfailing and it endures forever. Many times earthly love fails us, disappoints us, or even hurts us. Gods love is perfect, flawless. He will never leave you, never forsake you, never fail you, and His love will endure forever. Here are some I am statements for that you can begin speaking today…

God is always with me, He will never leave me.
God is always on my side, He will never forsake me.
God loves me continually, His love will never fail me.
God will love me for all of eternity, His love endures forever.

Spend some time today, saying those statements out loud. Our words shape our lives and they can help to transform our thinking. What you speak matters.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for your unfailing love. Help us to accept it and lean into You for Your love at all times good or bad. Help us to continually return to You, our source of love.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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