Memory Verse Recap: First 12 weeks in review

Good Morning Gorgeous,

Its a brand new day. A fresh new start. A new day to rise and be filled with the precious Word of God.

I am going to put all 24 of the memory verses here. We studied two a week for 6 weeks, took a break. And then studied two a week for 6 more weeks.

Here they all are in one location for studying!

I will not be posting any new ones for a few weeks. Let us spend a few minutes each day reading and memorizing these, building a strong foundation, and letting those who are just joining catch up.

Then we will pick back up and move into the next six week session.

Each six week’s has an overarching theme and each week has a theme within that.

** If you’ve been studying these with us since the beginning, I apologize for a typo on my end in week 3. Two of my dear friends noticed and pointed it out to me. We studied Joshua 1:18, but it was supposed to be Joshua 1:8 which makes a bit more sense for a memory verse. I have posted the correct verse here and deleted the old one.

Thank you Christy who writes at and Dawn from for noticing! Thank you both for studying the Word alongside of me!!

And here are the 2nd set of six weeks!

So there they are! 24 verses to soak in, drink from, allow to challenge you and change you, embed them in your heart and let them remind you how adored and loved you are by the Lord, your Papa and Creator!

I encourage you to read these verses daily when you rise and before you go to bed.

Read them on your lunch hour and share them with your children.

Write them down and speak them aloud.

Stamp them on your heart so that you have a living Sword on the inside of you!

In a few weeks, we will continue with the next set!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your precious Word! Thank You for Holy Spirit who makes the Word come alive on the inside of us! Lord, strengthen us to carve out time to study and memorize Your Precious Word. Let it be a weapon ready to save us and fight for us in our hour of need just as it saved Christ when He was tempted by the enemy. Thank You for Your Word that has the power to defeat every scheme and plot and arrow that comes against us. We trust in You and in every Word You have spoken and continue to speak.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Vanessa Lynn

7 thoughts on “Memory Verse Recap: First 12 weeks in review

  1. Thank you, again, Vanessa. I think we are doing brilliantly, but personally I’m beginning to wonder if they aren’t falling out the other side, as I cram them in! 😀

    1. We are! I don’t thing they are falling out. I think they are becoming deeply embedded in your spirit! They are becoming intertwined inside of you and can never be taken away. 🙂

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