Weary Travelers can be Filled by Jesus!

Good Morning Gorgeous!!

It’s a brand new day! A beautiful fresh new start and I feel Jesus stirring up in my spirit. He has such a wild love for each of us. He has a radical love. He has a love that will move you toward Him to be immersed in His Presence.

His Presence is safe and secure.

His Presence is purifying for your soul.

His Presence is healing.

His Presence is where clarity replaces the fog..

His Presence is where a rigid heart begins to pump wildly again!

I woke up this morning feeling so far from Jesus. I felt numb and lacking the fire of God in my spirit. I rose and had two choices.

1. Start my day and chalk it up as being tired from my long flight yesterday.

2. Get before Jesus and STAY there until He replaced my numbness with a supernatural touch that only comes from Him.

I am currently in California with my two daughters and my mom visiting our family. I am staying at my Aunt’s house in a guest bedroom upstairs. Everything my physical body would like to start the day is down in the kitchen…. coffee!

But I wasn’t interested in pleasing my physical urges this morning. I needed a touch from God.

I would normally have coffee as I read my Bible and wrote. Instead, I stayed upstairs in the quiet and I read my Bible. Then, I sat with Jesus and just poured my heart out. I told Him how I felt. I told Him I needed a fresh touch from Holy Spirit. I repented of not following His voice yesterday when He told me to stop and talk to a woman in the store. I cried out for a fresh fill. And then I stayed put. I stayed in that space of prayer with Jesus and waited on Him.

He has anointing for us in the secret place.

He has joy for us in the secret place.

He has living water for us in the secret place.

And He poured out as I sat with Him!!!

My numbness of heart was replaced with love and joy and an excitement to do His will today. I asked Him to lead me all day long. That He would guide my feet, my words, my very being would carry His Presence today!

And crazy thing is! He will do it! He will faithfully pour as much into us as we ask for!

So my friends if you woke up today feeling anything counter to the total peace and joy of being in God’s Presence, you can run to Him and receive it!

If you are disappointed, angry, upset, tired, fearful, or just feeling like blah today….. get on your knees and just call on the Lord. Tell Him you want to release all of these things and participate in the sweetest of exchanges where He takes your heavy load and gives you His light and easy to carry one!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Wowza! I had a totally different message planned to write today and You took over and wrote this one instead! This is the testimony that needed to flow. A testimony of a tired daughter who received grace this morning. Thank You Lord that You are never far from those who call on You. Thank You Lord for Your Presence! Fill the person reading this today and administer to them exactly what is needed.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Blessings and gifts from the throneroom be upon you today!

Vanessa Lynn

And if you came across this post and you haven’t yet accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, may I encourage you that by choosing Him you receive eternal life in heaven, BUT ALSO abundant life NOW. Following Him is the most precious adventure you have ever taken!! All you have to do to get started is to pray and receive Him as Lord. The Bible says to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and believe with your heart the precious gospel message that Jesus taught. Repent of your sins which means simply to ask Jesus to forgive you and then choose to walk away from them and go in the New Direction that God is calling you to. Confess or speak that you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for you, that He was resurrected from the dead, and ascended to heaven. And that you recieve Him as your Lord and Savior. That you are sorry for your sins and you recieve His FULL and complete forgiveness for every wrong you’ve ever committed. And that you are choosing to follow Him now and leave the ways of the world behind for the things of Jesus!!! And if you mean that with your heart, you are saved and set free to live a new life free of sin! The Bible says you are now a brand new creation! Old things have passed away and new things have come!!! The Bible also says that all of heaven rejoices whenever a person is saved!!!! Just imagine the party being held in heaven on your behalf right now!!!

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